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InterBSEB.com is an independent news portal and we claim no kind of association with Bihar School Examination Board. The official website of Bihar Board is https://biharboardonline.com/, http://biharboardonline.bihar.gov.in/. If you want to visit the official website, please log on to the websites mentioned above. We are a complete independent organisation and do not claim to be associated with any government organisation.

Use of Information 

The information and content provided on the site InterBSEB.com is for informational purposes only. For more information please contact the organization or visit the official website.

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As a result of the passage of time, the information provided may change due to any human error or system error and the information may no longer be accurate. Although we strive to keep the information provided as completely accurate as possible, InterBSEB.com does not warrant that any information contained in the website is completely correct.

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